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Massage Gun Accessories: Uses and All Details

What are Massage gun Heads?


Round Head: The most common massage gun attachment you will find with every massage gun is the round head. This head is one of the most widely used attachment and is considered Best for Recovery and Improving Muscle Soreness.

Flat head: A common problem while working out is the stiffness of Deep tissues. The flat head attachment can do a pretty good work repairing those stiff tissues.

Shovel Head: Recover from soreness and stiffness of back muscles with the alluring Shovel head attachment. This head is also considered best for areas surrounding the Spinal Cord.

Rounded Foam Soft Head: Another attachment you will find the Sonic Lx Percussion massage gun is the Rounded foam Soft head attachment. This Soft head can be Used to Relive Muscle Pain in Tinder Areas.

Metal Cone Head: For a full body massage, Use the metal cone head with Oil for a best experience. This can prove very effective after workout sessions.

Spinal Head: A little use of this Spinal Head attachment before Workout can effectively improve Flexibility. This head can also be used for Spinal Tissues.

Bullet Head: Remember working out for the First time or a gap of certain days and ending up with Muscles knots? Every does! But the Bullet head attachment is considered best for Releasing those Muscle knots.

Absorber Head: When pumped up for workout, a little overuse of Workout equipment can cause huge sensitivity in Certain fibers of muscles. The Absorber head attachment is used for those sensitive muscles and soreness.

Heated Tip Head:  This attachment is a super luxury to have. We all know that a little warm up before workout is very crucial for the body. The heated tip attachment heats up to 131 Degree Fahrenheit and is specifically designed to improve the Blood flow before workout.

Metal Flat Head: The Last you will get with the Sonic Lx Percussion massage gun is the Flat Metal Head. This Particular massage gun head is Best for Large Muscles Groups and area that need more help.

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